NOTE: The “Book My Room” link will take you to the special Marriott reservation page for the convention. It will default your reservation to May 15th thru May 24th . You may change the the discounted rate available three days before and after the convention. Be sure to change the dates to what you require.

The daily rate for rooms is $149 plus taxes (about $20). Parking is free and so is the Wi‑Fi. The group rate is available for 3 days before and 3 days after the Expo if you choose to extend your stay. The hotel is about 20 minutes from the Raleigh/Durham international Airport
The 2023 International Kaleidoscope Artistry Expo is guaranteed to be an extraordinary experience for everyone. Once again we are planning on inviting the public to join us to learn about this amazing art form. The publicity will include articles and advertising in many of the local journals that are published in the numerous publications in each of the many communities of Raleigh/Durham.
Please start your planning and make your arrangements to join with your friends, colleagues, exceptional artists and dedicated collectors at this amazing celebration of the art and science of Kaleidoscope Artistry!
Restaurants and Shopping near the hotel
Crabtree Valley Mall (Across the Street)
NOTE: The “Book My Room” link will take you to the special Marriott reservation page for the convention. It will default the reservation to May 15th thru May 24th. This reflects the discounted rate available three days before and after the convention. Be sure to change the dates to what you require.